Please Read Before Registering
Registration Opens April 1st 2025, 7am MT time.
Race is capped at 800 participants.
Registration Fee: $130 (+ bikereg.com processing fee)
​​A portion of the race proceeds goes toward the Ridge Riders Trail Foundation 501C3 and helping with the expenses associated with maintaining the Tinton Trail 55 aka Dakota Five-O course, Fight Club, and Right Side Trail. Ridge Riders have been building and maintaining these trails for the past 25 years and the RRTrail Foundation now holds the adopt a trail with the US Forest Service. Expenses for these trails include trail insurance, machinery and maintenance, lumber, gas, trail tools, and other related expenses. The Ridge Riders average 400 volunteer hours a year in keeping the trails in top notch condition for your riding enjoyment.
The race also supports other local nonprofit trail groups including Spearfish Mountain Bike Club, GAS (Grooming Alliance of Spearfish), Spearfish Bicyce Collective and Spearfish Trails Coalition.
​​Event Cancellation/Refund/Transfer Policy
Please read carefully and thank you for your understanding. If you have any issues with these policies please do not register for our race as this policy will be strictly adhered to.​​
Transfer With Refund Policy
You may not transfer your spot to the following years race.
If you decide to transfer your entrance, it will go to someone on our waitlist- You can not sell or give your entrance to another rider that you know. To transfer your entrance contact Kristi Jewett at kj@kristijewett.com
Registration transfers with refunds will be allowed until May 31st with an 80% refund, and from June1st to July 31st with a 65% refund. From August 1st to August 10th we will do a 50% refund of your entrance. *Bikereg.com fees are non-refundable.
Transfers/refunds will NOT be allowed after the August 10th deadline, no refunds will be issued, and no further riders will be let into the race after this date.
For those of you that want your race entrance fee fully refundable all the way up to race day, bikereg.com offers registration insurance that you may purchase when you register for the race.
You will need to read through their policy to see if this is something you want as some restrictions do apply for a refund.
Keep in mind, if you do not purchase the insurance through bikereg.com you are subject to the rules and deadlines of the above refund and transfer policy.
Wave Start
You may change your wave start up until August 20th.
There will be a $10 charge for on site Wave changes.
You will receive a DNF if you start in a wave that you did not sign up for
​Cancellation Policy
The act of registering for the Dakota Five-O event presents risks. If an act of nature or other event beyond our control occurs and we have to cancel the race, what can event participants expect?
Event director decisions will be based on participant safety & environmental impact. Often times these decisions are in the hands of the land owners or agencies our events are permitted through.
Event directors cannot accept the risk of a cancelled event for reasons beyond our control. Participants are respectfully requested to accept the financial risk of their individual entry and understand that you will not be refunded any portion of your entrance fee if the race is cancelled. This is due to the fact that our fees have already been payed for all supplies and services associated with the event. These include permits, insurance, third party vendors, administrative expenses, rental fees, awards, aid station supplies, and other related expenses.
If the event is cancelled, participants will receive first right to sign up for the following years event via early registration.
​​​​​If the race is cancelled the refund and transfer guidelines above are null and void. ​​​​​​
Volunteers are given a guaranteed(paid) spot in the next year's race. If you volunteered the previous year, you must contact Kristi Jewett before the August 15th deadline to recieve a spot in the race. Volunteering consists of trail work, marking and tear down of race course, and day of race help at aid stations and road crossings. Race day volunteers recieve an event T-shirt and meal ticket as well. To volunteer for this year's race, please contact Kristi Jewett at kj@kristijewett.com.
Registration fee includes:
Custom Five-O T-shirt, with hand drawn artwork by Les Heiserman.
Custom Five-0 water bottle courtesy of our Title Sponsor, Black Hills Surgical Hospital Sports Medicine.
A fun filled Friday night Five-0 pre-party with live music, a kids strider race, and a slow bike race.
A race day meal ticket for you to use at one of the on site food trucks.
Local micro-brews on race day, courtesy of Crow Peak brewing.
Live music on race day from noon to 4:30pm.
Cash purse of $9000 for top 5 in each class and top 5 overall, and SRAM Prize for top man/woman overall.
Name in raffle for over $8,000 in sweet prizes from our sponsors, at awards ceremony!
50 miles of pristine, marked single track for your enjoyment, with 3 fully stocked aid stations (Gluten Free options), plus the famous 'Bacon Station'!
Professionally chip timed event thanks to WYOtiming.
One of the best days of your life on a bike!!